Ellipsis Coffeehouse Serves Shots of Espresso and Sustainability
Article response by Natasha Gaffer, Forever Ware CEO

12oz reusable Forever Ware mug left, compostable paper alternative right, photo by Ellipsis Coffeehouse
Read the article here: Ellipsis Coffeehouse Serves Shots of Espresso and Sustainability
On Oct. 18, Ellipsis Coffeehouse announced a transition from plastic and paper cups to reusable and compostable coffee cups on their Instagram.
The changes have been well received by customers, according to owner Mike Waszkowski. Ellipsis regular Owen Davies, 54, said he uses his Forever Ware cup two to three times a week. “I want it to be successful,” the Rogers Park resident said. Davies said the university has the potential to encourage reusable materials in the surrounding neighborhoods as well as on campus. “There’s a whole opportunity to have a Rambler community about something like this, to require reuse and not single-use,” Davies said. Owen Davies, Ellipsis Coffeehouse regular and Rogers Park resident.